
Seas Apart

I'm doing this character pics and as I dig up all these old players and friends I'm thrust back to the time that I knew them. I've found myself listening to the entire Prince catalogue these last few days because he was big and we were all big fans of his music at the time. Anyway, the air in my head is thick with nostalgia and I don't expect that to change until I'm finished with these pics.

This is Taylor. Player character. Taylor and Deathadder (previous pic) were married irl. My lady and I spent a lot of time with them in 89-90. Miss you all.


Anniversary images

So, I don't think I mentioned here that July is the 20th Anniversary of the Four Horsemen RPG. We started playing in July of 89 when I came back to NY from New Mexico. I'm doing up a bunch of commemorative art and other little doodads for viewing. This is the character of one of the earliest players of the game.

PS7/ Intuos 4


Break on Through

I had a lot of really good conversations and got some good news these last few days and it seems to have helped me break out of my slump. It's nothing fancy but I like it more than any of the other crap I've put out in the last 10 days.

PS7/Intuos 4


Slowly but surely...

Ok, I've had a terrible creators block for the last week. It's been pretty bad since I finished the commission work for Priest's EPIC Adventures. I keep trying to crank stuff out and work through the block but no real success until this one. It's really not that good, but it's something and at the very least a first step to breaking through.



First character I ever made in an RPG. Rock Star/Hero. Telepath/Telekinetic/Empath. One cool mofo.

10 minute negative space painting in PS7.

Cover final- PEA

***EDIT*** There were flaws in the color from resizing, I'm guessing. Here's the corrected.

There's a fellow named Pete Hernandez who's an amazing illustrator. He's been doing some artwork for the same RPG that I have and, in a nutshell, he's been blowing my work out of the water. This prompted me to elevate my game a bit and really push myself to learn Photoshop 7. He's still worlds better than me, I have no illusions about that, but I felt that I owed it to Will (the game creator) to give it everything since I had the cover. So here it is, the cover redone. I'm happy with it, considering where my skill level is and the short amount of time it took me to get here.

Thanks Will for the opportunity and thank you Pete for all the help you gave me with PS and silently pushing me.


I was going for a retro look, but since I didn't reference anything, it doesn't quite look retro. I like it and will use it still. I need to learn more color theory...


Hollywood Vampire...

Without giving too much away, this pic is part of something larger so the gradient background is only for display by itself.



Holy crap. This is kinda scary. I settle on the technique and everything from beginning to end seems so much easier now. This only took me 2 hours and 45 minutes to do.

All digital. Photoshop 7.


WooHoo! I think I've finally gotten a handle on how I'm going to color, as illustrated above. It's a combination of a lot of different styles (as I'm sure a lot of indy artists are Dr. Frankensteins when it comes to this) and I think it best suits my style of line work. Hope you like =)


Finding my North

So, as I learn more about my trade and it's tools, I get anxious to test things out. So the stuff I've been putting up is mainly without too much thought behind the composition...

I had a lot of fun with this piece and, with the exception of the minor hi-lights at the very end, it all came out the way I thought it would. Very cool.



WageSlave concept for Priest's Epic Adventures. I've refined my line work and shadows a lot. Simplified the shadows while going deeper in the line work. I think that's working out well for me. I've started to try and learn effects and shapes now. Nothing fancy yet, but my grasp of photoshop is improving daily and I think I'll have some really good stuff soon.



This one came out a lot better. Cell shading felt good but the hi-lights are still tough. Also, I focused a little more on the line work, something I've gotten away from since I got the tablet.


Love, Hate, Love...

I fucking hate this picture. I figured it would get better as I go but the further along I went, the worse it got. There are so many different shading techniques and I'm having a lot of difficulty figuring out which technique is best for which lighting. I probably should have gone with simple soft cell shading for this, but I thought I'd flex my muscles... muscles I don't have apparently.

Anyway, the fire technique is nice. Something I picked up in a tutorial. A little more practice and that will look sick.


More re-color

Again with the re-coloring... This one, I may like the original colors better than the new one... dunno though...

Freshen Up...

I've been studying a lot of video and reading some articles on coloring. Mostly good stuff, but a lot of these guys talk like you already know your way around photoshop... that parts a little annoying...

Anyway, I picked up some new techniques and wanted to give them a whirl. Re-did the colors for Victoria Scarlet. I've reposted the original along with the new version for comparison. I like the new one... I like the old one too though... a little help here... =)



Trying to employ some techniques that I've seen on YouTube... doesn't quite work the same. Gotta figure out the problem...


fun fun fun

I'm getting comfortable with this digital thing, so I'm starting to add a little movement. This was fun!


See it through...

This pic did not feel like it was coming together at all. I'm trying to get into the habit of finishing everything, though. So I toughed it out and in all honesty, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Actually, I kinda like it. I've watched a WHOLE LOT of digital painting videos, taking small parts of many artist techniques to suit my personal style. I feel I'm making progress, but I'm still a ways off from having the really fine finish you see in so much digital work these days... 

... just gotta keep on, keepin' on...

Victoria Scarlet

RPG character of an old flame...

Intermission, Recap

No new art for this post, but hopefully something good later today.

I started this blog as a diary. A way to display my progress as an artist since I decided to pick it up after an absence of many years. It was painful getting started again, having an appreciation of art through a mature eye and understanding that I'd let myself fall off for so long that I was no longer relevant as an artist. I had vision, but no skill and as any artist can tell you, the longer away from the game you stay the worse your chops get. It's not just a lack of growth, it's the same as staying in shape as an athlete. 

I made the decision to get back into the game a couple years ago when my everyday life was coming apart. The whole time this was happening, I couldn't help but feel that I'd been missing something for the previous 9 or 10 years while I wasn't drawing. 

It started simple, drawing characters and the like from the old RPG's I used to run and play as a younger man. The problem was that I was falling back into the same bad old habits I had when I was said younger man. I quickly began to regret not staying in school for art. The following year, I made a great friend in Sam Liu, who is  a terribly talented artist and has been in commercial art business for many years now. I moved to LA from NY and began to learn storyboard art through him. Truth be told, it was a difficult process. I had the aforementioned bad habits and unfortunately, the economy just happened to be headed into recession which made the whole situation super stressful for me and probably gimped me up quite a bit. Sam was great through all of this. He taught me the importance of mastering the fundamentals before pushing the boundaries. He taught me the value of hard work as an artist. You see, for me, art had always been a thing I'd done when there was nothing else for me to do. It hadn't been serious for me since I was a teenager. Having the mentor in my life made all the difference and though I still have a long way to go, I see growth in my work in ways that I'm not sure I would have found without a little guidance.

I'm back in New York now. The economy took it's toll on my situation and quite honestly, I wasn't progressing fast enough to forecast when I'd be able to get into the industry. I came back to stabilize my life and it's turning out to be a great decision. I've picked up a pen tablet and my boundaries are really expanding as an artist. I'm painfully addicted to this thing. For anyone out there who frowns on these things because they think it gives just anyone the ability to make great pictures, I have some news for you. You still need talent. You still have to work. This thing makes it much easier, no doubt, but the tool doesn't make people artists. 

Anyway, I just wanted to sum up what this blog is about for those who weren't sure. If you look at everything I've done from the beginning, I hope you can see some progress from me. The goal is to post, good or bad, to take the mistakes and talk about them. It's as much a diary as it is a journal, so that I can go back, look and learn from my mistakes.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and view the blog. Any input from anyone is welcome. Though no one comments here, I still get phone calls or IM's from friends asking me about stuff I wrote here. Thanks again =)



EPIC Adventures Cover art

So here's the cover art for EPIC Adventures. This is 100% digital, as I've grown to love. However, after only a week of having a tablet and really using Photoshop, I made a whole crapload of mistakes while working on this. Nothing I couldn't get through, of course, but it made this take a hell of a lot longer than I anticipated. Anyways, hope you like.


The Corporate and The Sprawler

I was up late working on this one and I think it was worth it. I really like this one and I think I had a breakthrough with my process. Hope you all like it too =)



Photoshop is a beast to learn on your own. Thank God for friends who know the program. I think I'm getting better though =)


Angelica Update

My color selections are still weak... I'll get there. So, touching up images I did before I got the tablet is really hard. I did a lot of shading and detail with my pencils and that makes the process take a very long time. The first one I did, I simply sketched an outline, then did all the detail in photoshop with the tablet. That was actually much faster than this one, which required a whole lot of "tracing" and many many more layers it than a fresh image, it seems.


Lisa Nemeser

Turning the Page

Alright folks, big news for me. I've gotten myself a pen tablet for digital painting and all sorts of other neat art stuff. Above is the first complete image I've done. I know, it's really not that hot, but I'm learning here. Lots and lots to learn actually. Takes quite a bit of getting used to as well. The plus side is that I'll be able to produce faster, cleaner and complete color art works. I'll have this thing down in no time at all and that, my friends, has me excited!


The words that launched a thousand ideas...

So I was, for many years, a paper and dice role-playing guy. I was introduced to the concept by my older brother Todd. He was in High School, me in Junior High, and one day he came home from school with one of his friends talking about how great a time they had playing this game called Dungeons & Dragons. It was the first time they'd played and the Dungeon Master apparently took them on a ride. My brother ended up buying his own D&D set and tried to run the game with a few of his friends from the the neighborhood and myself. Well, it didn't go over with us the same way it did with him and so role-playing in that particular part of the hood came to an end...

A few years later, I was accepted to the High School of Art & Design in Manhattan. It was a tremendous commute for me, coming from South Ozone Park, Queens, NY. Well, it was for just about every student who attended. A&D is pretty much centrally located in NYC and the alum come from all over the 5 boroughs. 

Anyway, after the first semester of my freshman year, I met a guy named William Corpening. He was running a superhero RPG called Champions. I don't remember exactly how we met, but I remember seeing him and the rest of his crew playing in the lunchroom. They all seemed to be having so much fun and it reminded me of the excitement that my brother had when he and his friends came home raving about their adventure. Somehow or other, I ended up joining that campaign and never really looked up from a character sheet or the results of a dice roll for a long, long time. 

There was a lot going on in my life during these formative years and I could explain how role-playing and the people I ran with saved me from a lot of stuff, but this exhaustive diatribe isn't really about all that...

As it turned out, William and I lived pretty close to each other. What a coincidence. We took the same train home and sharing the commute opened the door to a real friendship and soon we were hanging out away from school. He had a huge influence on my entire creative process and to this day, when I stop to look at why I do certain things when I write or draw, I always go back to some specific moment and in most of those memories he's there. 

I loved role-playing. There's no two ways about it. For the first year though, it had never even entered my mind to run my own game. I'll never forget the day that it did. Will and I were walking through Baisley Pond Park, on the way to my house, talking about the game. I had all these ideas about what I wanted to do with my character. He was walking beside me with his head down, hands in his pockets, grunting or smiling in response to each new thing that came jumping out of my mouth. After listening to me ramble on for the longest time, looked up and said, "You need to start running your own game. You'd be perfect for it."

... Wow. I was flattered and scared all at the same time. Being very immature I relished the idea of being the man behind the curtain, but at the same time, I was scared that people wouldn't like my game and therefore not care who was behind the curtain. After thinking about it for a couple days (or maybe it was just one night, I don't remember =P ) I decided I would give it a try. I know I was terrible early on. I had trouble constructing stories and being prepared. What I did have going for me, however,  was my willingness to completely embarrass myself and my love for taking a non player character (NPC) and making it as interesting as possible. Every NPC, no matter how matter how small their role in my story, was drawn and given as much personality as I could fit. I acted out everything, and loved that my game was highly interactive for the players. Over time, I honed my craft. I started running with other RPG crews, taking bits and pieces from every game master I encountered. In some respects, I was an absolute mess as a GM, but I believe the good outweighed the bad in my game.

I became the converter. People who had absolutely no interest in role-playing or people who absolutely looked down on it, like so many do, would end up hooked. So many great players, great people, that have sat with me... I'm having a nostalgic moment, bear with me... There is nothing better, no payoff more satisfying than a players reaction to the game you're running. I lived for those moments while role-playing... and I think they all did too.

I like to think that I was a good GM. I played with some of the best out there. In the end, my prideful side wants to use the old Bret "The Hitman" Hart catchphrase... The best there is, the best there was and the best that ever will be... But the truth of the matter is that Will was the best. He probably still is. I'm sure he will be for a long time.

To Mike M., Konstantine, Sid, Alex and Rick G., Patti, Mike L., Vixen, Bruce, Dan, Pete, Steve, Jesus, AJ, and to you Will... Thank you so much.