
Banner Teaser

So I'm working on a new banner for this blog. Here's a small sample of the banner.


"I aim to misbehave..."

It's been so long since I've drawn the hero of my little world. I present, Robert Mason of the Four Horsemen.

"... and Lord I never drew first but I drew first blood..."


"You're like an untrained ape!"

This is the kind of image I have trouble posting. There are a few other images on this blog where I felt the same way. I started this image with the intention of practicing focus, light and movement. I think I hit the focus part well, the light part OK but the movement part I missed. I feel like missing one part ruins the whole thing. Still, I post this stuff so I can mark what I've been working on, but also to put it out there to be judged. I know that judgement is quite harsh sometimes, but I also know the next attempt will be better and having the two documented for me and others to see helps me grow somehow. So enjoy it if you can and if you can't then remember this image in the future so we can see how far I've come.


More practice

The pencils for this were a few years old. I just wanted to practice the inks and colors. Shadows are my enemy.


"We named the dog Indiana."

Almost forgot to post this one. 90 minute sketch I did at a friends request. Lots of fun, though I did use reference since I'm not usually tapped for likenesses... which by the way, I'm no good at. I chose a profile because it's a little easier for me to draw and I think I can capture someone's likeness a little better.

"Well, my days of not taking you serious are certainly coming to a middle..."

So this image was loaded with all sorts of little tricks and stuffs I've been learning about. Problem is that it didn't need 90% of those little doodads. I could have take a bit more out (especially the blurs) but overall I'm happy. I know, I know... I need to work on what space and planets look like. Still, this was fun.

EDIT*** I uploaded a newer version without a lot of the effects. Much easier on the eyes.


"... and if wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."

Work in progress using my current inking and coloring techniques. So far, the feedback is good. I think I still need to tighten up shadow and light in my colors, but still, this is a lot better than what I was doing a few weeks ago. Oh, and faster too, now that I've gotten used to it.


"... 10% of nuthin' is, well lessee... nuthin'!"

Just fumbling around with some characters for the forthcoming 4 Horsemen web strip.

" ... and hijinks ensued."

This was a 90 minute sketch I did at a friends request. Lots of fun, to say the least.